
you matter

At Vin Therapy Group, we believe you and your loved ones matter the most. We believe in empowerment through therapy, discovering your inner strengths and healing. Together.

My Services


Individual Therapy

Parental Consultations


Finding the right therapist for you is the key to success in counseling. At Vin Therapy Group, we work with our clients from a strength-based perspective. We let you set the goals and pace in counseling and meet you where you are.

We offer individual therapy for children, adolescents and adults as well as parental consultations and workplace coaching. Based out of Atlanta, GA, we offer in person private sessions for our Georgia based clients in our Buckhead office. For our Global and Washington based clients we offer therapy and coaching on a virtual platform.

About Manoshi

Manoshi is a licensed clinical social worker who has 15+ years of experience working with children, adolescents and adults. Manoshi began her career in Boston, MA, focusing in pediatric therapy and research. Since then, she has worked with adults, adolescents and children in hospitals, schools and outpatient clinics. In addition to her clinical work, she has served as a clinical and organizational consultant to businesses as well as a practicum instructor at universities.

Finding Manoshi